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Facebook - 3 votes
Radio - 56 votes
Internet - 15 votes
Friend recommended - 5 votes
Other - 12 votes
Total votes: 91

What isthe city of your Dreams?

Barcelona - 19 votes
London - 12 votes
Paris - 16 votes
New York - 12 votes
Tokyo - 12 votes
Another city - 20 votes
Total votes: 91

Do you use Facebook?

Yes, I do. - 45 votes
I did use it in the past. - 9 votes
No I don't use it and don't intend to. - 12 votes
What is Facebook? - 3 votes
Total votes: 69

Is the exchange more profitable than selling?

Exchange is always more profitable. - 54 votes
Selling is always more profitable. - 24 votes
I'm angry at the money. - 15 votes
Total votes: 93

Is non-monetary trading necessary?

Yes, I've been waiting long time ago. - 48 votes
Maybe, not sure yet. - 41 votes
No, I'd rather trade using money. - 5 votes
Total votes: 94
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